Jul 11, 2018

AFIA Welcomes Director of Regulatory Affairs

Louise Calderwood joined in early July

The American Feed Industry Association added Louise Calderwood as its director of regulatory affairs effective July 2.

Calderwood(1)Calderwood will provide proactive industry and technical leadership on regulatory and state issues related to pet food and equine nutrition and general regulatory issues. She will work with the Association of American Feed Control Officials and lead AFIA’s pet food and equine committees.

Calderwood joined AFIA from the Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance, where she served as government relations director. In this role, she developed and implemented policy positions for the association and communicated with federal, state and local governments in New York and throughout New England in support of modern agriculture.

Calderwood also operated an agricultural consulting firm and a maple syrup farm in Vermont. She has additional experience with Sterling College, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture and the University of Vermont Extension Service.

Calderwood holds a master’s degree in dairy science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a bachelor’s degree in animal science from the University of Vermont.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide


  • Designed to sort grain lots, kernel by kernel, at industrial speed
  • Sorts up to 15 metric tons/hour, which is equivalent to about 125 000 kernels analyzed per second

Semi-Automatic Hand-Prompt Batching Station

  • Designed to eliminate bad batches resulting from operator error and interruption
  • Operator involvement through each step in the batching process

C-LEVER EVA HE Controller

  • For bulk solids, accuracy is not impacted by different material densities, irregular material flows or extreme friction
  • All connections available (Ethernet, Profibus, CANbus, etc.) as standard equipment to easily connect/coordinate with existing systems

SORTEX H SpectraVision

  • 实时性me tracking of sorting performance and emergency warnings with SORTEX Monitoring System
  • Newly designed in-house full-color cameras provide best color differentiation for subtlest of color defects

Feed Ordering Hub

  • Cloud-based hub designed to increase feed ordering and scheduling automation
  • Allows feed mills to make data-driven decisions and allocate resources better

24" Scalperators

  • Provides high capacity method for removing roughage, light fines and chaff in a single pass
  • Large material scalping and air density separation in one pass


Marketwatch: Jul, 07

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 6.7834
high: 6.8896
low: 6.7007
close: 6.8848

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 14.7527
high: 14.8933
low: 14.5314

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 8.2561
high: 8.3611
low: 7.8217
close: 8.0168

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 7.5795
high: 7.7182
low: 7.2058
close: 7.4128