Jan 27, 2022

AFIA Predicts Wild Regulatory Rollercoaster Ride

Program discussed FDA’s animal food manufacturing facility inspection plans for 2022

美国饲料行业协会(AFIA)举办了其年度Feed Education Program周四,涵盖了2022年美国联邦监管机构的动物食品行业的期望以及制定书面企业大流行政策的重要性。

“The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard has been a wild rollercoaster ride,” said Gary Huddleston, AFIA’s director of feed manufacturing and regulatory affairs, on the confusion animal food companies have experienced recently in working to comply with federal workplace safety laws given the twists and turns between the U.S. courts and the Biden administration on levying the federal vaccine mandate on American businesses.

“AFIA’s Feed Education Program is one way we are keeping our feed industry members abreast of this changing situation and other regulatory issues coming from U.S. regulatory agencies that could impact their businesses.”

The program discussed upcoming priorities for the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Labor and OSHA; the Food and Drug Administration’s animal food manufacturing facility inspection plans for 2022; upcoming educational opportunities from the AFIA; and why companies should havewritten corporate pandemic policiesin place.

“A written infectious diseases preparedness plan has many benefits,” said John Dillard, principal at OFW Law.

“A written and clearly communicated plan to address infectious diseases, including COVID-19, in the workplace reduces absenteeism and supply and delivery interruptions, gets you ready for any future outbreaks and helps you avoid enforcement and fines.”

The 2023 AFIA Feed Education Program will take place January 25 in Atlanta, GA, during the国际生产与加工博览会(IPPE). For more information, visitAfia.org/Events..

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

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Marketwatch: Feb, 28

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 6.4946
high: 6.5512

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

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high: 15.8334
low: 15.3033
close: 15.3561

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

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open: 8.4674
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