“From the diverse lineup of speakers to the many opportunities for feed ingredient buyers and sellers to network and conduct their businesses at the conference and around town, PISC is truly where our members ‘get business done,’” says Veronica Rovelli, AFIA’s senior director of meetings and events. “This conference has grown exponentially over the past few years, and we believe it is because it provides a perfect venue for our members to foster and deepen relationships with their suppliers and clients.”
New this year, the Institute for Feed Education and Research, AFIA’s public charity, sponsored a lunchtime screening of the documentary, “Food Evolution,” which explores the challenges the world faces in feeding a growing population and the critical role that biotechnology plays in addressing them. Following the screening, one of the featured experts from the film, Alison Van Eenennaam, Ph.D., a cooperative extension specialist in animal genomics and biotechnology at the University of California, Davis, led a discussion on the important role of communicating science to consumer audiences.
“人们经常问我为什么我在那里谈论这部电影,我告诉他们我在乎,因为在农业行业的整个历史上,由于恐惧,误导性营销和公众,在农业行业的历史上有几个记录的案例失去了安全技术感知,”范·埃宁纳(Van Eenennaam)说。“作为一个科学界和农业行业,我们有责任更加发声,呼唤那些妖魔化我们的行业的人用小说代替事实。通过专注于围绕共享价值进行对话,我们可以通过更好的科学和创新来展示如何实现更大的环境可持续性。”
会议与会者还有机会与12名成员会面,作为PISC供应商展示的一部分,并参加其他网络活动,例如年度高尔夫锦标赛和体育粘土郊游。有关今年会议的更多信息,包括照片,请参见AFIA的Twitter wandle @feedfolks和Facebook页面。