高草will capture, sequester CO2 emission from ADM's Nebraska corn processing complex
高草andam已经建立了合作伙伴关系,为塔格拉斯捕获二氧化碳(CO)铺平了道路2)从NE哥伦布的ADM玉米加工综合体,并将其运送到Tallgrass的Wyoming Eastern Wyoming Heetestration Hub,以永久性地下存储。
通过使用转换的天然气管道进行CO2transportation, Tallgrass minimizes the need for new pipeline infrastructure while enablingADM进一步脱碳其全球运营并加强内布拉斯加州的农业行业。
“今年早些时候,我们宣布了一项协议,使我们能够从我们最大的两个加工设施中隔离碳在美国,现在我们期待的工作ing with Tallgrass to continue our work toward meeting our decarbonization goals," said Chris Cuddy, president of ADM’s Carbohydrate Solutions business.
Cuddy says carbon sequestration is a key way ADM is evolving its Carbohydrate Solutions business.
"[Carbon sequestration] has already allowed us to deliver the industry’s first net zero emission wheat milling footprint and will continue to enable us to advance our strategy and scale up our work to meet ever-expanding needs and make a positive impact for global populations," said Cuddy.
高草is advancing a project to convert its Trailblazer natural gas pipeline to CO2transportation service and establish an approximately 400-mile CO2管道作为区域CO的骨干2transportation system.
为了准备这项倡议,塔格拉斯最近宣布了开发商业规模的计划co2sequestration hub在怀俄明州东部预计将于2024年服役。
“We’re able to repurpose existing infrastructure to create significant CO2塔格拉斯(Tallgrass)部门总裁凯尔·奎肯布什(Kyle Quackenbush)说:“运输能力没有影响该地区的天然气服务。”
“我们的公司2pipeline will be capable of transporting significant additional CO2volumes to accommodate the capture, transportation, and sequestration of many other emissions sources in the region.”
内布拉斯加州农场局总裁马克·莫克尔(Mark McHargue)表示,内布拉斯加州农业局的农场和牧场成员家族长期以来一直支持管道项目,以作为我们国家重要的能源和碳捕获基础设施的一部分。