Jun 22, 2020

ADM Oilseed Plant in Britain Shut Down After Explosion

Three workers injured, cause of explosion not known

source: Reuters

Archer Daniels Midland Co. (ADM) said on Friday that an oilseed crushing and refining plant in southern England has been evacuated and shut down following an explosion, reportsReuters.

The explosion occurred in the extraction area of the facility, located in Erith around 60 miles southeast of London.

“Three contractors who were working outside, in an adjacent silo, suffered injuries and were taken to a local hospital where they are being treated,” ADM said in a statement, adding the cause of the explosion was not known.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

GAC® 2700-UGMA

  • GIPSA-Certified as UGMA-Compatible
  • Field proven to work with all leading scale systems

PDDM Planetary Dual Disperser

  • Robust mixer offers unmatched shear intensity, rapid dispersion of dry powders into viscous batches
  • Two stainless-steel high-viscosity “HV” stirrer blades


  • Designed to sort grain lots, kernel by kernel, at industrial speed
  • Sorts up to 15 metric tons/hour, which is equivalent to about 125 000 kernels analyzed per second

Semi-Automatic Hand-Prompt Batching Station

  • Designed to eliminate bad batches resulting from operator error and interruption
  • Operator involvement through each step in the batching process

C-LEVER EVA HE Controller

  • For bulk solids, accuracy is not impacted by different material densities, irregular material flows or extreme friction
  • All connections available (Ethernet, Profibus, CANbus, etc.) as standard equipment to easily connect/coordinate with existing systems

SORTEX H SpectraVision

  • 实时性me tracking of sorting performance and emergency warnings with SORTEX Monitoring System
  • Newly designed in-house full-color cameras provide best color differentiation for subtlest of color defects


Marketwatch: Jul, 17

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high: 6.9756
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close: 14.9898

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US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

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