伊利诺伊大学team receives $1.5M to unlock the puzzle
蒂芙尼·贾曼(Tiffany Jamann),助理教授Department of Crop Sciences在伊利诺伊大学,她的同事从National Science Foundation研究定量疾病抗性corn。
Quantitative disease resistance
“Plant diseases cause an estimated 13% loss of global crop yields annually, reducing incomes and food quality and safety," Jamann says.
"Quantitative disease resistance usually works against all variants of pathogens, and thus is an effective disease management tool. Our research will identify disease resistance mechanisms for some of the most important diseases of corn, which is both a model species for plant quantitative genetics and the most valuable crop in the U.S.”
因为有多个基因一起工作in quantitative disease resistance, it’s a little more difficult to find them all. But Jamann has experience with that.
她和她的同事是第一个鉴定玉米对细菌叶条纹疾病的抗性基因。She also has worked to uncover病原体生活方式对于玉米疾病以及抗药性机制高粱。
How plants defend against vascular infection
该项目还包括一个教育部分。项目合作伙伴北卡罗来纳州立大学将参与并提供资金,以继续并更新成功的植物育种和遗传学研讨会,并参加NC State的高中生Agdiscovery营地。
“I think high school students could get excited about this concept that plants can’t run away from diseases. It’s all about how they evolve resistance and how the pathogens and plants try to out-maneuver each other,” Jamann says.