Image by Pixabay/SvetlozarHristov

Jun 07, 2022

2022 Corn and Soybean Planting Season Nears End

Near average planting speed falls behind 2021

Usda 1

TheUSDANational Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)Crop Progress reportfor June 6, 2022, shows the spring planting season is wrapping up.

As of June 5, 94% of corn and 78% of soybeans have been planted. Corn planting is just over the 5-year average of 92%, while soybean plantings are just under the average of 79%.

Sorghum, 100% of which was grown in just six states, is being planted at a faster rate than 2021, with 56% already in the ground vs 50% last year,

一个令人印象深刻的数字,考虑到生产商向美国农业部报告,他们计划种植record number of Sorghum acres in 2022.

2022 corn planting
Chart by USDA NASS

The early corn crop

While overall corn planting is moving at an above-average pace, planting conditions throughout the 18 states that planted 92% of the 2021 corn crop are varied. Only one state, North Carolina, has finished planting vs. four that had completed in 2021. Only Colorado and Kansas are further along in corn planting than they were in 2021.

A few states made significant gains last week. North Dakota planted 25% of the state's corn crop in just one week. In just one week, seven states planted at least 10% of its overall corn crop.

Corn emerged 2022 spring
Chart by USDA NASS


Soybeans planted june 6 report
Chart by USDA NASS

The early soybean crop

大豆种植是moving at a slightly below-average pace, 78% vs. 79%, respectively. But the planting rate is down 11% from 2021. That may have something to do with more producersplanning to devote acres to soybeansthis year. There are also reports of asoybean seed shortagein a few key soybean states. Of the 18 states that planted 96% of the 2021 corn crop only one state, Louisiana, has finished planting. Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee are further along in soybean planting than they were in 2021.

Soybeans emerged june 6

Just over 50% of soybeans that have been planted have already emerged, once more not far below the average of 59%. The emergence level is well below 2021's 74%, but spring planting was exceptional in 2021.

Steven Kilger

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Marketwatch: Jun, 08

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.4463
high: 7.635
close: 7.5613

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.6629
high: 16.957
low: 16.5868
close: 16.8841

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 11.1622
high: 11.1622
low: 10.8962
close: 11.0364


open: 10.285
high: 10.295
low: 9.9995