Why PL Fees vary so much
- Volume: Is there plenty of space to hold all the PL bushels? If so, PL Fees will not need to be high. You typically see this in summer when there isn’t much crop left and there is plenty of empty space, and many grain buyers will offer free PL. On the other hand, when there is a lot of crop to handle and it is overwhelming the amount of space available in a market, PL Fees can get very high. This is what we see in years with large old crop carryover and/or bumper crops that get harvested quickly.
- 传播:另一个更具体的因素决定PL费用在期货市场蔓延。作为一般规则,大型携带均值较大的PL费用和平坦或倒置市场意味着下部PL费用甚至免费PL。这是由于机会成本简单。如果市场支付携带(延期期货月不仅仅是附近的期货月),那么任何有能力购买和持有该谷物的人都可以收集这种差异。在一个场景中,空间的所有者是这个机会,因为农民不允许他购买他正在使用他的空间并相应地收取的谷物。
- Basis: This cause for PL Fees is a numerical representation of the volume discussion we had above. If basis is -50 at harvest and -10 for delivery two months after harvest, the elevator has an arbitrage opportunity to make 40 cents on bushels it buys that day and sells for two months after harvest. If the elevator instead allows a farmer to PL in his space, he cannot make that margin. Therefore, he must charge more. If basis is very high at the time the farmer enters into a PL contract, the PL Fees will be lower.
How elevators lose money charging PL Fees
There are two common misconceptions related to PL that can be dangerous to a grain elevator’s profitability if the grain merchandiser believes them:
- PL允许您在收获时销售所有您想要的所有您想要的空间以获得更多谷物。While it is true that you do have legal title to the grain and can move it without having any legal ownership fears, selling PL bushels at harvest can be a recipe for disaster financially. As a grain elevator that profits from basis changes, selling the lowest basis of the season at harvest can pretty much guarantee a loss on those bushels in most years. A good grain merchandiser must manage his position in a way that will keep him from ever having to sell PL bushels at low harvest basis levels.
- PL费用担保电梯将在PL蒲式耳上盈利,以便在PL费用中获利。许多人看待PL的费用作为蒲式耳保证的保证金,因为他们正在为他们的空间中的所有机会收费或大多数机会。但是,如果您必须销售低收获基础,这笔费用通常只涵盖所有或大部分基础损失。
让我们来讨论一个真实的例子。在harvest (early October) of last year, the bid for soybeans to a large river market was -10 November futures and the bid for December delivery soybeans was +40 January futures. There was also an 8-cent carry in NOV/JAN soybean futures. This translated to a 58-cent difference in harvest basis and post-harvest basis as illustrated in Chart 1.
One could make the argument that in a year like this one, it would make sense for an elevator to charge a $1.16 minimum PL Fee to cover the 58-cent basis risk as well as the 58-cent opportunity cost of what the space is worth. We all know that won’t happen, so …
What’s the best way to manage PL bushels at harvest?
- 意识到在收获中移动PL蒲式耳的巨大风险
- Charge for all of the basis risk associated with PL bushels
- Set an internal limit on how much PL you will allow in your space before switching to cash only
- 坚持你的计划!
-Jason Wheeler