“For the last six years, we’ve had nothing but problems managing bugs in the wheat,” says Dennis Neeland, operations manager for Great Bend Co-Op. The company was forced to alter its treatment process following the 2005 government ban on pesticides containing methyl bromide. “We always had to move as much wheat as possible right after the harvest because we had limited storage options. We were leaving money on the table.”
“虫子的损失是在我们必须存储的所有小麦上花费了我们的钱,”侵扰的大弯总经理弗兰克·里德尔(Frank Riedl)说,主要由较小的谷物钻孔和红面粉谷物甲虫组成。“对于像我们这样存储近100万蒲式耳的公司,我们正在寻找超过50,000美元的损失。”
That was before area manager Doug Crook learned of DiaconII Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) from the Professional Agriculture Division of Central Life Sciences. He had heard of others in the industry finding success with the product, and Great Bend Co-Op decided to try DiaconIGR在2010年初在其存储设施中。
“ DiConIGR对我们来说非常出色,当我们第一批谷物熄灭时,我们能够与零昆虫受损的核(IDK)一起运送。”克鲁克说。“我们始终尽力清洁存储区域并尝试了几种不同的前提喷雾剂,但是我们使用的没有杀虫剂具有Diacon IGR的残留物。”
大弯的电梯操作员亚历克斯·罗斯(Alex RothII IGR as it moves up the elevator leg via a series of spray nozzles affixed inside of the leg at 45-degree angles. Roth said he has determined an ideal ratio of DiaconIGR that is mixed in a 200-gallon container and used to treat nearly 3,000 bushels per hour.
Grea害虫侵扰最终控制t Bend Co-op has been able to hold onto more wheat for longer, deliver a product with high protein and sell to flour mills that won’t accept insect-damaged wheat.
“ DiConIGRhas allowed us to maximize our profits by keeping us pest free,” says Riedl.
DiConII IGR, a liquid formulation, and Diacon-D IGR, a dry formulation, are EPA-approved, tolerance exempt insect growth regulators (IGR) used to control stored product insects by breaking the insect life cycle and preventing larvae from maturing into adults. Diacon-D IGR is a dry formulation with versatile applications, including direct-to-grain or empty premise treatment. DiaconII IGR can be applied directly to grain or used in fogging applications and is approved virtually everywhere stored product insects are a problem — farm storage, large silos, peanut bins, food processing facilities and more.
(s) - 甲丁烯,DIACON中的活性成分IGR,保护储存的谷物和原始农业商品免受干扰昆虫发育的正常过程的破坏。DIACON IGR可对广泛的昆虫有效,例如:杏仁飞蛾,印度粉状飞蛾,较小的谷物钻,锯齿状的谷物甲虫,商人甲虫,红面粉甲虫,混乱的面粉甲虫等。DiCon IGR还可以用来治疗宠物食品,动物饲料,鸟类和您想要保护昆虫的任何其他商品。
要请求信息,请单击此处:DIACON-DorDiConII IGRS。