A great person once said, “If you help others get what they need, you’ll get what you want.”
Unfortunately, this is where some folks in the commercial grain business begin to feel threatened and get nervous over the growth of farming operations. But why?
I can tell you this from experience, whether you think farm storage is or isn’t a threat, you’re right. I’ve seen grain managers with declining bushels shrug their shoulders and use on-farm storage as an excuse to explain away their businesses issues, while the yields and usage in their area soar. I’ve also seen grain managers out working hard on their relationships and growing their businesses exponentially without running any more physical grain through their facilities.
Think about it, do you know how to best make money off grain bins? It’s what you do! You have knowledge and expertise that your farmers don’t have. That’s not an oversight on their part, they know how to make money farming and are good at it. That’s the focus of their business and it should be because where they truly make their money.
So how can you go about providing value to farmers with on-farm storage? The first way is to help them understand where the value is in their grain storage and how to capture it for their farming operation.
To a producer with new farm bins (and their banker), the new storage should give them added return, but how do they go about figuring exactly what that is? That’s a loaded question, and there’s not a precise formula, but there are plenty of misconceptions about what goes into that answer, so let’s separate fact from fiction regarding common thoughts on the use of farm bins that you can communicate to your coustomers.
Logistical Efficiency: Fact
When harvest conditions are upon us, it’s go time. Twenty minutes to town, an hour in line (or worse), and 20 minutes back to the field is a grind and it’s maddening when there’s rain in the forecast. Most won’t have the space to hold their entire crop, so the added time of going to a commercial grain handler won’t be completely avoided, but every little bit helps. Farm storage can save time and can save the farmer from weather that can diminish the quality of their crop.
First of all, is more time really needed anyway? A good commercial grain company will have a market ready to buy farmer grain for one-two years before harvest. Besides that, if you still need time after harvest to sell your grain, there are plenty of options available to farmers: storage, price later, basis contracts, minimum price contracts, etc. All of which can be done without having your own grain bin.
Picking Up Market Carry: Fact
The second way is for the farmer to make their harvest sale for a deferred delivery slot. Let’s say it’s harvest and the local elevator is paying $3.50 for spot bushels. Rather than selling for $3.50, they can still sell to the elevator that day, but for Jan/Feb/March delivery at a higher price. This higher cash price comes from a carry in Dec/March futures as well as a higher basis in non-harvest time. So, instead of selling $3.50 corn at harvest, the producer sells $3.75 corn to be delivered Jan/Feb/March. Keep in mind, this is not a delay of marketing the grain, but rather in the delivery of it.
Avoiding Storage Costs: Fiction
我知道,这似乎有点违反直觉,但是跟着我一会儿。是的,如果他们等待收获后的价格,并且在商业空间中,他们将支付一笔费用,而如果他们在自己的空间中就不会。但是,这些存储费是他们部分支付的东西,以将风险(质量和收缩)转移到电梯上。如果他们自己保留谷物,他们会假设这种风险。无论农民在照顾垃圾箱方面有多好,这都是一个真正的风险。即使是最伟大的谷物处理人员/运营专家,也有某个时候也遇到了问题。商业电梯的优势是将风险散布在许多不同质量的蒲式耳中,以及一批专业人士的专业人士,请遵守一切。$ 10 $ 10的大豆缩水为10美分。为了换取不支付费用的费用,他们正在承担这种风险或更多。