Jan 28, 2015

Will Brazil transportation logistics lift U.S. soybean exports

Brazil’s harvest is beginning and already there’s negative news hitting the market about transportation. Could logistics problems lead to more U.S soybean sales in the second half of the marketing year?

The grains are all trading lower this morning with corn down 2, soybeans down 4 cents and wheat down 4 cents. Yesterday, mixed export news hit the market early with a 120,000 metric ton cancellation of soybeans to China followed by an announcement of a new sale that included 111,000 metric tons of soybeans to unknown destinations. This is the third major cancellations in the last 2 ½ weeks which signals China is switching it buying to South America.

Yesterday was the first day newly harvested Brazil soybeans arrived into crushing plants and northern ports and market the start of the first vessel being loaded at the port of Paranagua. However, news out of South America is not all positive after an announcement yesterday that the Tiete River, a key waterway in Brazil will be closed for the start of the season due to the low draft caused by a much drier than average January. Although this may not immediately affect the U.S. grain prices, the fact that Brazil delayed much of its planting due to dry weather in the fall could mean the crop comes out of the field at the same time. If this were to happen it would put increased strain on the transportation of crops to export facilities. If ports get congested and significant delays begin to occur, the U.S may see further export sales announcements that would have otherwise gone to South America.


Cody Bills

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

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Marketwatch: Jul, 15

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

high: 7.0202
low: 6.8539
close: 6.9218

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 15.2461
high: 15.3983
low: 14.9586

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 8.1393
high: 8.2518
low: 7.9575
close: 7.988


open: 7.5207
high: 7.6315
close: 7.345