在隔夜会议中,谷物的交易大部分较低,玉米下跌1 1/4美分,大豆不变,小麦下降了1 1/4美分。
在隔夜会议中,谷物的交易大部分较低,玉米下跌1 1/4美分,大豆不变,小麦下降了1 1/4美分。美元的交易价格下跌了0.09%,原油上涨1.10美元至每桶45.68美元。市场急切地等待美联储会议周三晚些时候,这将讨论他们是否将在周四提高利率。
昨天,NOPA粉碎的数字在CST上午11点发布并达到了预期。据报道,奥古斯特·马什(August Crush)的平均分析师猜测为1.35亿蒲式耳,据报道为1.353亿蒲式耳。Although this crush number slipped lower from July’s 145.227 million bushels it is still well over the four year moving average of 117.414 million bushels and the largest August crush since 2007. Soyoil stocks were reported at 1.480 billion pounds which is higher than 2014 soyoil stocks of 1.213 billion pounds. Soymeal exports were reported at 491,510 metric tons.
温度是forecast to be above normal this for most of the grain belt which will be pushed out toward the end of the week by a cooling trend in the northern plains. Precipitation will be light in the western part of the U.S with some moisture expected in Missouri, Eastern Iowa, Illinois and Indiana on Friday and Saturday.