International Grains Council forecast world grains stocks to be at a 3-year high
Export Sales Announcement
Soybean sales for the week ended September 17 were 117.4 million bushels, beating already elevated market expectations.
FBN’sTake On What It Means: Given the extremely strong pace of sales already, exporters need to just equal last year's weekly volumes of corn and wheat to meet forecasts. Chinese buying is expected to slow down based on their huge purchases already. There were no daily export sales announced Thursday and activity could be quiet as China is on holiday for the first week of October.
IGC Forecast Grain Stocks higher
FBN’sTake On What It Means: The decrease in corn production is in line with the USDA after the agency lowered its forecast in the September WASDE report. Corn ending stocks are expected to be lower for the fourth consecutive year, but the decrease is more than offset by expansions for wheat, barley and other grains. Even though global demand continues to increase, this will serve to hinder the chance for a larger increase in world prices.
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