Crush is expected down 2.6% from the 165.1 million bushels in August
fbn的Take On What It Means: September is typically among the least active months for soybean processing plants as crushers often schedule maintenance downtime as they await newly harvested beans. NOPA has reported a drop in September crushings from August in eight of the last 10 years and this year is likely to be similar. The U.S. domestic meal market remains firm due to strong animal numbers and crush demand remains supportive to bean prices.
fbn的Take On What It Means:法国玉米作物的预测并不像某些人预期的那样糟糕,因为更大的面积部分抵消了较低的产量。由于天气不良,今年法国小麦产量今年的生产下降了近25%,因此市场预计在2020年7月至2021年6月的营销年度,小麦出口会大大下降。法国最大的小麦客户阿尔及利亚(Algeria)改变了其进口规格以允许黑海起源小麦,而俄罗斯的作物预计为8300万吨,美国可能没有太多机会捕获该业务。
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