Dec 06, 2017

Informa Reduces Corn and Soybean Production Estimates

谷粒Traded Higher in the Overnight Session

In the overnight session the grains are trading higher with March corn up 1 ½ cents, January Soybeans up 3 ¼ cents and March wheat down ¾ of a penny. Yesterday, November 2018 soybeans broke through previous resistance set last month before the WASDE report and is now roughly 10 cents away from the contract high of $10.28. March corn is trading above the 20 day moving average this morning which could provide some intra-day support.


Informa reduced their corn and soybean production estimates for Brazil for the 2017-18. Soybean production was reduced by 1 million metric tons to 110 million metric tons and corn production was revised lower by 3 million metric tons to 89 MMT. The company also reduced their estimate for Australian 2017-18 wheat production by 1.3 million metric tons to 20.3 MMT.

Statistics Canada released production numbers this morning, showing a larger than expected harvest. All wheat production was set at 29.98 million metric tons which was above expectations of 28 MMT. Canola production was set at 21.31 million metric tons which is a production record in Canada and above the highest trade guess of 21 MMT.


澳大利亚的气象局昨日宣布,热带太平洋的表面温度已达到La Nina水平。这种天气事件通常意味着北半球较冷的冬季,南半球湿润湿润。主席团还表示,目前的模型表明La Nina可能是弱者而不是持续长期。

The risk of trading futures, hedging, and speculating can be substantial. Grain Hedge is a Branch of Foremost Trading LLC (NFA ID: 0307930)

Kevin McNew

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide


  • Prevents accidental mixing of different types of grain and oilseeds
  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
    images per second to identify corn, soybeans and red wheat with 99% accuracy

BBU Big Bag Unloader

  • Designed to discharge difficult products, such as fine powders
  • Many options, including vibrating table, bottom massage paddles or side massager,can be configured with modular system


  • Equipped with Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) technology
  • Deliver powders in efficient manner for quick wet-out and complete dispersion into low-viscosity liquids

GrainDrive™ T1000 Tube Conveyors

  • Three model sizes with capacities from 4,000 to 10,000 bushels/hour
  • Inclines are supported up to 45° with inlets and discharge transitions available in 0°, 30° and 45° increments

Combi-zone Dryer

  • Gentle and precise drying
  • High energy efficiency at a lower cost per ton

MCP Pellet Mill Controller

  • Production control that can increase efficiency by up to 15%
  • Consistency can increase pellet quality by up to 15%


Marketwatch: Mar, 24

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.2509
low: 7.2422

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.5754
low: 16.5456
close: 16.6347

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 10.5435
high: 10.6025
low: 10.2546
close: 10.3218


open: 10.4359
high: 10.5291
close: 10.2379