Jul 02, 2014

谷物Steady in the Overnight

U.S. grain markets are trying to find bottom today

Alert: Grain Markets close at noon central time on July 3, 2014.

U.S. grain markets are trying to find bottom today, two days after the June USDA report sent markets sharply lower. Coming into the morning trade break, we have corn down 2 cents, soybeans off a penny, and Chicago wheat down a cent. Old-crop soybeans are again taking ground on the new crop, with August up 4 cents.


Yesterday Egypt's state grain buyer bought 240,000 tons of Romanian and Russian wheat on an international tender, providing little support for U.S wheat. U.S wheat was offered on the high side of the price range at $259/metric ton while Romanian and Russian wheat was offered nearly $7 cheaper. Of the reported offers, the French wheat was the most expensive, at $262.37/metric ton.

August soybeans found some technical support after it touched briefly on its 200-day moving average at 1304. August, which is now the front month for soybeans sold off 48 ¼ cents on Monday following the report as stocks showed 27 million more bushels on hand June 1 than analysts were expecting.

Cody Bills

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

Aqua Microfeed系统

  • Enables users to produce microfeed at 40% increased capacity
  • Optimized die can withstand higher pressure caused by smaller holes due to stronger construction, larger diameter and bigger open surface, and smart die base to create equal distribution of feed toward larger die

Metris Vibe

  • Wireless vibration and temperature sensor can monitor health status of mechanical equipment regardless of original manufacturer
  • Offers increased uptime, reduced maintenance, higher production reliability and improved safety

Ride-On Hopper Gate Opener

  • Operators can now control automated unit from a seated position
  • Designed for high-volume applications

Model FA Belt Cleaner

  • Multi-bladed spring arm conveyor belt cleaner
  • Available with 7 different blade materials ranging from urethane to stainless steel to tungsten carbide

三辊s Assembly Upgrade

  • For Paladin 2000 automatic roller adjustment system
  • Provides adjustable spacing between die and rolls to allow producers to set perfect distance for different recipes in one pellet mill


Marketwatch: Jun, 15

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.6767
high: 7.7342
low: 7.619

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.7569
high: 16.8453
low: 16.5263
close: 16.5263

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 11.054
high: 11.127


open: 10.0141
high: 10.0716
low: 9.886
close: 9.9274