Jul 16, 2019

维塔Plus Names Fellowship Student

Ariana Negreiro was selected as dairy nutrition and management student at MSU

Ariana Negreiro was recently selected as the Vita Plus dairy nutrition and management fellowship student at Michigan State University.

Negreiro.Ariana_emailNegreiro is the sixth student to participate in the program. She will spend two summers and two semesters earning her master’s degree in dairy science while simultaneously gaining experience in dairy nutrition and management consulting.

维塔Plus will fund the credits throughout the duration of the experience in return for the research and project support she will provide.

Negreiro attended Michigan State University (MSU) as an undergraduate and studied animal science as well as plant, animal, and microbial biotechnology. She worked on the MSU Dairy Teaching and Research Center milking dairy cattle and feeding calves before she started working in Dr. Adam Lock’s dairy cattle nutrition lab.

Negreiro presented her research at the 2019 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference and took first place in the undergraduate level. She was also a member of the MSU Dairy Challenge team, which took first place in their division at the 2019 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge.

作为Vita Plus MSU奖学金的学生,Negreiro将继续在Lock的实验室工作,并研究补充氨基酸和脂肪酸相互作用对高生产奶牛的影响。

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C-LEVER EVA HE Controller

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  • All connections available (Ethernet, Profibus, CANbus, etc.) as standard equipment to easily connect/coordinate with existing systems

SORTEX H SpectraVision

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Feed Ordering Hub

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24" Scalperators

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Aqua Microfeed系统

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Marketwatch: Jul, 02

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