Syngenta今天已公开宣布任命Alexandra Brand,Alexandra Brand,曾担任欧洲,非洲和中东地区的区域总监,担任首席可持续发展官(CSO)的新职位。作为CSO,Brand将直接向CEO Erik Fyrwald报告。
正式首席执行官埃里克·菲尔瓦尔德(Erik Fyrwald)在宣布这一消息时说:“我们已经在帮助养活世界的情况下发挥了重要作用,我们希望在前进的过程中做更多的事情。为此,我们需要就我们行业所面临的监管,政策和社会挑战和机遇进行与政府,非政府组织,学者和食物链进行明智的讨论。我们已经取得了真正的进步,我们希望以有关将来更可持续的农业意味着什么的新的和不同的对话来建立这一基础。
“We want to help further shape agriculture and its place in society - the position of CSO will be central in leading this. Alexandra has a real passion for helping farmers to become more productive while managing the impacts of climate change and having to produce more with less,” said Mr. Fyrwald.
Alexandra Brand said: “The technology we bring to farmers can help them safely feed the world and take care of our planet – this includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and soil conservation. We also play a key role in helping to preserve biodiversity and precision technology will be important in all of these areas.
"I’m really excited by the opportunity to drive further change in our company and in our industry. We are looking to create new partnerships and work together with groups we might not have worked with in the past. We will build on the significant achievements of The Good Growth Plan, with even greater transparency and commitment from Syngenta to further improve the sustainability of global agriculture.”