Sorghum Checkoff and National Sorghum Producers offer “Sorghum Smart Talk”
United高粱核对计划(USCP)和国家高粱生产商(NSP)于10月8日启动了他们的联合播客Soleghum Smart Talk的第一部分。和NSP的战略业务总监。
高粱聪明的谈话mission is to increase education on grain marketing in sorghum and to provide growers and industry stakeholders with applicable information from credible resources in a format accessible at home, on the road or in the tractor.
NSP和USCP外部事务总监Jennifer Blackburn说:“农民消费媒体的变化与农场技术的变化一样快。”“该播客将成为我们及时,相关信息吸引生产者的新途径,这将有助于对农场做出更明智的决定。”
第一个系列播客将是过度的利润和风险分析,签约和其他与营销有关的主题。西南农业综合咨询公司的所有者约翰·米勒(John Miller)将成为该节目的第一位嘉宾。米勒拥有博士学位来自德克萨斯A&M大学的农业经济学专业,并创立了该公司,该公司为整个南部平原的农产品的生产者和用户提供全面的价格风险管理服务。
Future series will cover a variety of industry related topics such as grain marketing, agronomy, regulatory and legislative issues and will feature leading agricultural experts.
第1集:Cash Marketing with John Miller
这一集的高粱智能演讲启动了我们的营销教育系列,并提供有关现金营销,市场历史以及在农场层面的重点价格风险管理的信息。我们的客人是约翰·米勒(John Miller)Southwest Agribusiness Consulting Inc.
第2集:认识您的新NSP主席 - Dan Atkisson
在这节课中高粱聪明的谈话,我们坐下来with Dan Atkisson, newly elected NSP board chairman. Duff and Atkisson discuss farming, family, leadership and the importance of engaging in agriculture policy in Washington, D.C., and beyond. Atkisson is passionate about his new role within NSP and plans to use his past experiences to improve the agricultural industry and the sorghum industry.
Episode 3: Cost of Production with John Miller
In this episode of Sorghum Smart Talk, we visit with podcast guest John Miller, owner ofSouthwest Agribusiness Consulting Inc.关于您的运营的生产成本,会计和成本跟踪。
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