Jun 29, 2022



OECDtogether with theFood and Agriculture Organization(FAO) of the United Nations released theirAgricultural Outlook 2022-2031,它为国家,地区和全球阶层的农产品和鱼类市场提供基于共识的评估。

The report is prepared with inputs from member countries and international commodity organizations. It highlights fundamental economic and social trends driving the global agrifood sector assuming no major changes to weather conditions or policies.

Slow feed demand growth in high-income countries

The Outlook highlights the strong contribution of low- and middle-income countries to feed demand growth over the next decade, given the rapid expansion and intensification in their livestock production.

In high-income countries and some upper-middle income countries, lower growth in livestock production and improved feeding efficiency should result in slower growth in feed demand compared to last decade.

The rebuilding of pig herds following the African swine fewer (ASF) outbreak in China, which is characterized by the installation of modern, feed-intensive production facilities, is assumed to lead to further intensification in feed use.

Ukraine war impact on global grains



The Outlook projections account for reduced production prospects in Ukraine, and reduced export availabilities from both Ukraine and Russia, in the marketing year 2022/23.


Demand for first generation biofuel feedstocks is expected to grow slowly over the next 10 years, mainly due to declining fuel use and weaker policy incentives in key markets, such as the European Union.


生物燃料占全球日本须贺rcane use is projected to increase to 23% by 2031, while the biofuel share of maize is expected to decline.


  • Global food consumptionis projected to increase by 1.4% p.a. over the next decade, and to be mainly driven by population growth.
  • Diet evolutioncontinues to be largely determined by income levels in the coming decade with heightened concerns about health and the environment resulting in a decline in per capita consumption of sugar and a sluggish growth in the consumption of animal protein in high-income countries.
  • Global agricultural productionis projected to increase by 1.1% p.a., with the additional output to be predominantly produced in middle- and low-income countries.
  • Oilseeds and oilseed product生产增长正在放缓,而大豆继续转移到拉丁美洲。
  • Cereals收益增长正在推动生产,但市场面临不确定性和价格波动

Download the full report.


Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

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