“Our sales team has heard a very strong demand for the use of Diacon products on oilseeds for export, and we’re excited to provide these producers with relief from stored product insects from a product they have come to rely on,” said Nancy Stratinsky, business manager for the Specialty Agriculture division of Central Life Sciences. “With our recent product line expansion and the continued addition of approved commodities and applications, the Bug Free Grains lineup has truly developed into a comprehensive, start-to-finish solution for the protection of stored commodities.”
提供两种配方以满足生产者需求,DiaCon®agro和diacon.®-D IGR是EPA耐受性豁免控制食品商品中的昆虫幼虫。一个diacon.®IGR是一种通用的液体配方,可以直接施用于油籽或雾化处理,几乎任何地方储存的产品昆虫都是一个问题。还提供长期控制和利润保护,DiaCon®-d igr递送与diacon相同的控制®在即用型干燥配方中,也可以直接应用于晶粒流或作为空的前提处理。为确保最佳和最长的持久结果,请将这些解决方案作为综合S.L.A.M的一部分使用。策略,在卫生,装载,曝气和储存谷物监测中纳入最佳实践。
®-D IGR是Bug Free Grest Solutions完整阵容的旗舰产品,包括Centynal