导航器公司2冒险will provide carbon capture, utilization, and storage services
资料来源:Avigator CO2 Ventures LLC
诗人has signed a deal with导航器公司2冒险为诗人提供碳捕获,利用和存储(CCUS)服务Heartland Greenwaysystem.
Heartland GreenwaySystem
Heartland Greenway系统是一个碳捕获管道系统预计将于2025年完成。该管道将在五个中西部州跨越1,300英里,收据接近20英里。完成后,该管道每年将能够运输和隔离多达1500万吨。
“ Heartland Greenway是第一个实质性的,完全集成的CO2处理系统以做出最终的投资决定,对于所有利益相关者来说,我们对未来的道路感到更加兴奋。” Navigator首席执行官Matt Vining说。
"It is a great privilege and responsibility to help pave the way for large-scale infrastructure projects designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a material way. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve our customers and investors who have entrusted us with the task ahead."
The system will phase in 18 of POET’s bioprocessing facilities across Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota and is scheduled for operational in-service in 2025.
The joint efforts will create the most significant combined distribution network for high-quality, biogenic CO2。
“We recognize that now is the time to take bold action to preserve our planet for future generations,” said Jeff Broin, POET Founder and CEO.
公司partner together
Vining said this agreement is a testament to two industries coming together and using their resources to pave innovative pathways toward carbon neutrality and a more sustainable future.
"The breadth, scale, and technical acumen of each party’s platform is unmatched,” said Vining. “POET is an industry pioneer that has built a company on the pillars of safety, integrity, innovation, and being a good neighbor in the communities, they call home, all of which align entirely with the culture and track record of Navigator."
随着诗人在平台上增加,导航员的Heartland Greenway系统将为整个农业和食品生产价值链的30多个工业加工者提供CCUS服务,代表了超过1000万吨的年度CO2除了高效的单一站点生产设施外,包括美国两个最大的生物乙醇生产商在内的排放量。
In March, Navigator CO2冒险entered into along-term agreement和Siouxland乙醇提供CO2捕获,运输和存储服务Heartland Greenway。