Sep 21, 2017

Pipeline Foods Invests in Expansion

Saskatchewan facilities will make significant improvements to the organic supply chain


Wapella, a 3,500 metric ton (MT) facility, and鸥湖, a 4,000 MT facility, will each serve as a primary collection point for Canadian organic grain origination in their regions (southeast and southwest, respectively). Pipeline Foods will store, screen and blend grains including barley, corn, rye, flax, lentils, oats, peas, soybeans and wheat, and then ship via truck or rail. "These investments help Pipeline Foods move quickly toward our vision of building a more sustainable organic supply chain in agriculture," said埃里克·杰克逊(Eric Jackson), CEO of Pipeline Foods. "TheWapella鸥湖grain elevators place us right in the heart of Canadian organic grain production, provide a new channel for farmers to do business, and allow us to connect this grain supply with food companies and manufacturers across the U.S."

Both facilities are certified organic through Pro-Cert, which is accredited in boththe United StatesCanada。They are each forecasted to move an estimated 25,000 MT in 2018, with increasing capacity expected after initial capital investments are made this year.

Wapella鸥湖位于跨加拿大高速公路和加拿大太平洋铁路沿线,提供入站和出站卡车和铁路便利性。管道购买Wapellafacility includes installation of the main line rail switch, reconnecting the facility to the Canadian Pacific Railway after being out of service for over 15 years.

"We are very excited to have Pipeline Foods take over the elevator inWapella,关于火车返回城镇捡起谷物汽车的问题。桑迪·辛茨,市长Wapella。"Pipeline Foods has already been very supportive of community fundraisers and projects. The addition of staff at the elevator will create more support for our local businesses, and Pipeline Foods' big investment in elevator infrastructure will create additional tax revenue for our town."

“我最近有机会参观管道食品设施,并对当前的运营印象深刻,并计划升级。”鸥湖市长Blake Campbell。“我们的当地企业保持社区的坚强,我们很高兴欢迎管道食品鸥湖。”

有机谷物生产在南部稳步增长Saskatchewan, largely in response to consumer demand for organic grains, and supported by the diverse crop rotation in the region. Organic cropping benefits from weed and pest control without the use of synthetic inputs due to a more diverse, longer crop rotation.

"Our expansion through these two facilities will enable Pipeline Foods to cultivate closer relationships with producers, ensure a clean and transparent supply, and ultimately offer better value for our customers," Jackson said.

Pipeline Foods正在寻求机会在未来三到五年内投资300-500毫米,以建立一个更好,更可持续的农业供应链。管道食品正在积极购买所有类别的有机小麦,豆类和燕麦。

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