Total inspections of grain for export reached 2.10 MMT
UP will be idling its Global 3 Intermodal Ramp in Rochelle, IL
New immune health technology is designed for dogs and cats
Sabine Woodall accepts the position
BIOMIN offers its latest report on mycotoxin prevalence across the U.S.
Fourth largest one-month fall since data collection began
River elevator locations are looking at switching delivery contracts
Grain Processing and Flour Milling Manager Shawn Thiele is promoted to administrative role
Second time in 18 months company revamps itself
Farmers will likely be left with 3.5 million tonnes of the oilseed when the season ends
Growth has coincided with federal biofuel mandates
Minnesota man was under contract with Ag Partners, Goodhue, MN
Corn, soybean, sorghum planting underway
Implementation will allow for more accurate management of wheat consignments
Study: Every $1 of grain exports supports additional $2.20 in business sales
McNabb Trucking, Pocatello, ID, employee is now listed as stable
Products are from company's Southern States feed line
Fifty Wisconsin high school seniors, college students won awards
North Dakota Grain Growers Association withdraws from the National Association of Wheat Growers
Grain trader declined to elaborate on reasons for departures
Revamp will take Cofco closer to rivaling ABCD powerhouses
Australian company in process of splitting into two businesses
Report: Contraction in pork supply from China will have spill-over impact on dairy sector
Company reports net loss of $14 million
Bloomberg Grains Subindex Total Return tumbled to the lowest since 1977
Almost 8% of grain vessels leaving U.S. could be impacted
Ongoing trade dispute creates 13% projected decrease
Investment includes $62M in new soybean processing facility, seed drying equipment, and warehouses
Two professional milling and baking industry associations recognize company's safety record
Donation to feed milling, grain science facility includes equipment, automation and services