Photo: Novozymes North Ameria



Company adds biosolutions, sets up sales team to serve U.S. customers

source:Novozymes North America Inc.

Novozymes is launching five powerful biological solutions that address key challenges for North American growers and setting up a new sales team to directly serve U.S. customers.


“We have harnessed the power of nature’s problem solvers – living soil microbes – to address the biggest challenges facing North American farmers through the power of biology,” says Darrell Wolkowski, Novozymes BioAg’s Regional Commercial Lead for the Northern U.S. and Canada.

“我们的投资组合带来扩张farmers new options in dealing with issues of nutritional availability and efficiency, nodulation and nitrogen fixation, stress tolerance, and broad-spectrum fungal control, through unique modes of action and novel combinations of biological actives.”


U.S.提供的新的Novozymes产品包括BioniQ, an inoculant for row crops that combines three biological actives that together help promote stronger roots, greater nutrient availability, and better yield.

Tagteam Bioniq ProTagteam Bioniq Chickpea.,for pulse and chickpea crops, are inoculants that combine four active biologicals for improved stress tolerance, nutritional availability and efficiency, and enhanced yield.

优化FXC.for soybeans improves upon Optimize XC by using fortified LCO resulting in higher yields and better nitrogen fixation, accessibility to soil nutrients, and water absorption.

Finally,Taegro 2对于水果和蔬菜作物是一种广泛的裂缝,致杀真菌剂,可提供针对广泛的土壤和叶状病原体的保护。



Novozymes has also established a new go-to-market strategy for the U.S. and now sells directly to distributors here.

“We have expanded our team in the U.S., and we aim to deliver products and services that lead the industry. With warehousing points located strategically around the country, our goal is to achieve a three-day turnaround on orders,” says Jason Ward, Novozymes’ North American Commercial Operations Lead for BioAg.

“We are in pursuit of great customer service, and we will excel at talking to and working with customers to be the most reliable supplier in the industry. Our service is the foundation for our business.”

Novozymes maintains production facilities for the agriculture industry in Salem, VA, Milwaukee, WI, and Saskatoon, Canada.



Novozymes’ new products catering to the U.S.


  • BioniQ- 可湿性的粉末孕育剂结合了三种生物活性物质连接力,以便更强的根,更高的营养可用性和更好的作物收益率。
  • Tagteam Bioniq ProTagteam Bioniq Chickpea.are inoculants that combine four active biologicals for improved stress tolerance, nutritional availability and efficiency and enhanced yield in pulse crops.

优化is a family of liquid inoculants for next generation biofertility that feature Optimize actives, and Novozymes powerful fortified LCO promoter technology to enhance nodulation and improve mycorrhizal association for healthier, higher yielding soybean crops.

  • 优化FXC.液体inculul组合Bradyrhizobia和强化LCO推动者技术提高氮固定,可达土壤养分和豆内植物吸水。这种低批量种子处理与种子化学高度相容。
  • 优化FXC DS., launching in the fall of 2023, will feature a two-season shelf life as well as a second strain ofBradyrhizobiafor enhanced nutritional availability and efficiency, especially powerful for soybean growers in stress prone growing regions.

Taegro 2是OMRI认证的广谱,用于果实和蔬菜作物,用于控制粉末状霉菌和肉豆蔻,其中包括最大化营销收益率。用天然存在的细菌配制,Taegro 2在低容量施用中带来多种新的作用方式,具有0天的预征收间隔,无阻。这种粉碎机安全,IPM Ready杀菌剂提供了针对各种污垢和叶状病原体的保护。

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide


  • Designed to discharge difficult products, such as fine powders
  • 许多选项,包括振动桌,底部按摩桨或侧按摩器,can be configured with modular system


  • Three model sizes with capacities from 4,000 to 10,000 bushels/hour
  • 斜坡可满足45°,在0°,30°和45°的速度下可用入口和放电过渡

Combi-zone Dryer

  • Gentle and precise drying
  • High energy efficiency at a lower cost per ton

MCP Pellet Mill Controller

  • Production control that can increase efficiency by up to 15%
  • 一致性可以将颗粒质量提高至15%


  • Moves bulk by air, maximizing accessibility for any drying, storage or production facility
  • 安全,快速,轻松地移动谷物,没有电梯腿或便携式螺旋钻


  • Web-based merchandising system
  • 允许商业粮食客户更有效地发起粮食


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