India has the highest net cropland area while South Asia and Europe are considered agricultural capitals of the world
新地图was released today以最高分辨率详细介绍全世界的农田,有助于以可持续的方式确保全球粮食和水安全。
The map establishes that there are 1.87 billion hectares of croplands in the world, which is 15 to 20 percent—or 250 to 350 million hectares (Mha)—higher than former assessments. The change is due to more detailed understanding of large areas that were never mapped before or were inaccurately mapped as non-croplands.
较早的研究表明,中国或美国的农田净区域最高,但这项研究表明,印度排名第一,其中179.8 MHA(占全球农田净面积的9.6%)。第二是美国的167.8 MHA(8.9%),中国为165.2 MHA(8.8%),俄罗斯为155.8 MHA(8.3%)。可以在世界上每个国家的统计数据中查看interactive map。
该研究由USGS领导,是全球粮食安全支持分析数据 @ 30-m(GFSAD30)项目。该地图主要由Landsat satellite imagery具有30米的分辨率,这是任何全球农业数据集的最高空间分辨率。
“The map clearly shows individual farm fields, big or small, at any location in the world,” said Prasad Thenkabail, USGS research geographer and Principal Investigator for the GFSAD30 Project Team. “Given the high resolution of 30 meters and 0.09 hectares per pixel, a big advantage is the ability to see croplands in any country and sub-national regions, including states, provinces, districts, counties and villages.”
With the global population nearing the 7.6 billion mark and expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, it is of increasing importance to understand and monitor the state of agriculture across the world in great detail. This new research is useful to international development organizations, farmers, decision makers, scientists and national security professionals.
“This map is a baseline and starting point for higher level assessments, such as identifying which crops are present and where, when they grow, their productivity, if lands are left fallow and whether the water source is irrigated or rain fed,” said Thenkabail. “Comparisons can be made between the present and past years as well as between one farm and another. It is invaluable to know the precise location of croplands and their dynamics to lead to informed and productive farm management.”
Critical for Assessing Water Security
Research is a Major Undertaking
“The project is a major undertaking for many reasons,” said Thenkabail. “One major challenge was obtaining cloud-free images in regions such as the tropics and during rainy seasons. That took multiple years in some areas. This project required the use of satellite-acquired big-data analytics using machine learning algorithms on a cloud computing platform such as the Google Earth Engine.”
View how croplands are distributed在每个国家 /地区,并通过Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center。
This map shows cropland distribution across the world in a nominal 30-meter resolution. This is the baseline product of the GFSAD30 Project.
This map shows U.S. croplands in a nominal 30-meter resolution.
This map shows croplands in Texas in a nominal 30-meter resolution.