



谷物链, a farm to fork coalition of stakeholders in the grain industry sector and chaired by the American Bakers Association (ABA), celebrates the recommendation published in the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs) to "consume half of your grains from whole grain sources" and the remainder from enriched grains.


A foundational piece of the DGAs, the guidelines recognize whole grains are "one of the three food groups that are fundamental constituents of a healthy dietary pattern."


Of importance, the DGAs maintained the existing recommendation for the average healthy American adult to consume six one-ounce servings of grain foods daily, with half of those servings coming from whole grains.

第一次启动公司luded recommendations for birth to two years. The Grain Chain applauds the recognition of grains as one of the traditional, nutritious first foods for infants. Numerous research studies have demonstrated significant, positive effects of nutrient absorption, improved nutrition quality, and overall wellness from enriched grains at various life stages.

2020 - 2025年美国人饮食指南的主要收获:基于谷物的食品行业:

  • 谷物(富集和整体)在健康的饮食方式和饮食质量中起着关键作用
  • 谷物是饮食纤维的重要贡献者,这是美国人通常不足的营养素
  • 谷物通过关键必需营养素有助于整体饮食质量
  • 谷物是一种美味,多功能,负担得起且可持续的植物性食物
  • 谷物的富集和强化是积​​极公共卫生影响的关键因素
  • 由于1998年需要浓缩谷物食品的叶酸强化,因此在美国,患有神经管缺陷(NTDS)的婴儿的患病率在美国降低了35%,领导疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)命名叶酸的命名。富集谷物是21世纪前十年的前十大公共卫生成就之一

The DGAs included guidance on enriched grains, maintaining the existing recommendation of three one-ounce servings of enriched grains daily. While the guidelines cite science-backed evidence of positive health outcomes from the inclusion of enriched grains, the Grain Chain is extremely concerned to see the DGAs include contradictory language linking "refined grains" with poor dietary patterns and health outcomes.

发表的科学研究清楚,明确地说明了谷物在健康的饮食模式中的关键作用 - 富含和整个谷物在健康的饮食模式中及其对饮食质量的重要贡献。为了澄清和纠正这种矛盾的语言造成的潜在消费者混乱,谷物连锁店的成员期待与USDA和HHS合作,以帮助公众教育丰富和全谷物的价值。

NAMA总裁Jane DeMarchi说:“我们很高兴饮食中整体和丰富的谷物的营养价值得到了广泛的科学研究的支持。”

"Grain foods are staples that create the foundation for a healthy and balanced diet," she continues. "They are affordable, versatile, convenient, and easy to store. The significance of these qualities cannot be overstated in normal times, much less during a global pandemic where families are stressed, and food dollars are stretched."

Tim O'Connor, president, of the Wheat Foods Council, notes enriched and whole wheat and grain-based foods provide important nutritional benefits, are affordable and foundational foods in many cultures.



ABA leads the Grain Chain whose members include: American Bakers Association, American Institute of Baking, Cereal and Grains Association; Grain Foods Foundation, Independent Bakers Association, National Pasta Association, National Association of Wheat Growers, North American Millers Association, Retail Bakers of America, Wheat Foods Council, and USA Rice Federation.

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