New $20 million, 20-acre processing facility in Great Falls, MT
Montana Specialty Mills, LLC, announced it is breaking ground on its new $20 million, 20-acre processing center today at the Great Falls Montana Development Authority's AgriTech Park. The new facility, expected to be complete by the fall of 2018, will feature state-of-the-art grain processing equipment dedicated to making non-GMO products and organic oilseeds.
The relocation of the Montana Specialty Mills facility will enable the company to expand in markets like non-GMOs, organic vegetable oils and protein meals.
蒙大拿州特色厂总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫·钱伯斯(Steve Chambers)说:“我们选择了在Agritech公园的新地点,因为它已经为我们提供了基础设施,细分和分区。”“能够立即建立并且不用担心其他任何事情为我们节省了很多时间和金钱。”
The 197-acre AgriTech Park, which opened in 2016 and is owned by the Great Falls Montana Development Authority, offers customized heavy industrial lots ranging in size from seven to 300+ acres.
"Creating a shovel-ready, rail-served heavy industrial park had been a goal of ours for years," says Brett Doney, president of the Great Falls Montana Development Authority. "We see many opportunities, not just in agricultural processing, but in energy-related manufacturing, distribution and logistics. We are happy to see companies like Montana Specialty Mills realizing the potential of the space."
The Great Falls Montana Development Authority invested more than $8 million in the construction of AgriTech Park. This year, AgriTech Park was given an Excellence in Regional Transportation Award for its rail system by the National Association of Development Organizations and was certified by BNSF as part of its Premier Parks Program.
Agritech Park仍有五个土地。可建造一英亩土地的批次价格起价为30,000美元。每个地块都准备好铲子,并配有完整的铁路通道和公用事业,包括水,污水,电和气体。