Lower Biodiesel volumes in 2018
美国环境保护局(EPA)发布了2019年基于生物质的柴油柴油的拟议可再生燃料标准(RFS)和2018年的高级生物燃料量,呼吁为2019年提供基于生物质的柴油柴油销量,为21亿加仑,同一水平,同一水平established by EPA for 2018. For the advanced biofuels volumes, EPA has proposed 4.24 billion gallons for 2018, below the 4.28 level established for 2017. American Soybean Association (ASA) President and Illinois farmer Ron Moore signaled ASA’s frustration with the levels in a statement:
“缺乏增长的生质柴油签证官lumes and the reduction in advanced biofuels volumes is certainly disappointing and a missed opportunity by the Administration to demonstrate their support for the U.S. biodiesel and soybean industries. As a point of reference, there were approximately 2.9 billion gallons of biodiesel and renewable diesel utilized in the U.S. in 2016. ASA and our biodiesel industry partners have urged EPA to set the RFS levels for biomass-based diesel at 2.75 billion gallons for 2019. To have the levels proposed be no higher than called for in 2018 and less than what is being utilized in 2016 is disappointing and would miss an opportunity to utilize surplus soybean oil to diversify our fuel supply and boost jobs, particularly in rural America.
“ ASA认为,基于生物质的柴油类别的量和架构过高的高级生物燃料类别应该更高,以利用增加国内生物柴油生产的机会。ASA,与国家生物柴油委员会一起,在2019年为基于生物质的柴油和2018年的52.5亿加仑的总先进生物燃料提供了27.5亿加仑的RFS量。,这是最普遍的燃料,可以作为先进的生物燃料。