Maxi-Lift的Road Show '17将对现场的客户进行安装和维护培训
Maxi-Lift的Road Show '17是该公司雄心勃勃的努力,为该领域的客户进行安装和维护培训,从而加强了其在全国范围内的关系。他们成为与铲斗电梯性能和维护有关的所有事物的单一来源的旅程,今年将涵盖很多英里。
Bo费舍尔,销售副总裁/北美,says the project packs the necessary tools and knowledge into a mobile unit and hits the road. As a veteran in this industry, Fisher knows first-hand the need for a proactive training program.
“I do a lot of inspections on bucket elevators when customers call. They have problems in the field, and I go inspect it and troubleshoot the elevator with them,” Fisher said. “Over-torqueing bolts on the bucket installation, is one example. When you do that, you can lose life in your belt from delamination. I’m trying to train our customers on easier installation methods, so they can save the life of their belts and buckets.”
Maxi-Lift began soliciting interest at the GEAPS show in Kansas City and is doing follow-up announcements and promotion in Maxi-Lift’s Bucketology newsletter. For all the phone calls and videos that can help troubleshoot, nothing beats hands-on training, Fisher said. Elevator employees who visited the booth at GEAPS were skeptical about the need for training, until they got the tools in their hand.
“The face-to-face aspect is extremely important, especially as it relates to group training. Larger groups create a momentum of questions and interactions that help develop the instructive dialogue,” Fisher said. “Every facility faces similar challenges and questions, but they also have singular problems. In the group setting, our training will allow our experts to weigh in, but also can create a discussion among peers that facilitates a better understanding of causes and solutions.”