Apr 04, 2018

LINAK Completes Louisville, KY, Expansion

Company adds to its North and South American headquarters

LINAK U.S. Inc., a provider of electric linear actuation solutions, has completed an addition to its North and South American headquarters in Louisville. The expansion sets LINAK up for continued growth, and allows for greater
commitment to the Louisville area and its U.S. customers.

“LINAK’s work in advanced manufacturing, one of Louisville’s traditional strengths and a key component to our city’s economic success, is helping us be relevant today and in the future,” said Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer. “LINAK is a great global company and its investment in a new facility will help them continue to compete and win around the world. We’re proud to be the home of LINAK’s U.S. operations and look forward to their continued success in the future.”

The new building, measuring 75,000 square feet, has given LINAK the ability to move its off-site distribution center back in-house, as well as accommodate several new production lines.
“We have already started operating a new production line, and should be fully operational by June of this year,” said vice president of operations Jan Petersen. “Once this site is at full capacity we will continue developing our plan for a second phase of the expansion, where we will add an additional 70,000 square foot building.”

The current expansion significantly increases overall manufacturing capacity by 50%, highlighting the company’s commitment to selling more products produced in the U.S.

“This is very important to us,” said president Soren Stig-Nielsen. “We want to make it even easier for our customers to have access to our unique products and services. And the new facility gives us that ability, along with expanded offerings for logistics, R&D and marketing. It also gives us the opportunity to continue supporting the community that has been our home for over 20 years.”

“As we continue to grow, we also want to expand our focus on the people who are at the heart of everything that we do,” said Stig-Nielsen. “We Improve Your Life is not just the mission we want our customers to feel, we want it to be felt by our employees, our community, and in the homes and businesses we reach throughout the U.S.”

On top of adding more jobs, the new building also brings high-tech production equipment including advanced robotics. These improvements are designed to not replace workers, but instead add opportunities for additional technical-skill level positions. These advancements in production will support LINAK in bringing quality movement to even more agriculture, marine, construction and outdoor power equipment. From farmers to families with a riding lawn mower, the unique electric actuator technology helps make their jobs and tasks easier.

“我们要感谢社区以及officials at Louisville Forward and the Commonwealth of Kentucky for helping us reach our goals,” said Jan Petersen. “And we are very excited about this next chapter as we enter in a new era of growth and opportunity.”

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  • Sorts up to 15 metric tons/hour, which is equivalent to about 125 000 kernels analyzed per second

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  • All connections available (Ethernet, Profibus, CANbus, etc.) as standard equipment to easily connect/coordinate with existing systems

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  • Newly designed in-house full-color cameras provide best color differentiation for subtlest of color defects


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