Dec 06, 2018

Landus Names Chief Agronomy Officer

Tim Unruh will oversee sales, marketing, product procurement, and precision ag

Landus Cooperative promotes Tim Unruh to chief agronomy officer. Unruh, formerly the cooperative’s vice president of agronomy, will oversee the agronomy business including sales, marketing, product procurement, and precision ag.

Tim_Unruh_5x7_2018“On behalf of our more than 7,000 farmer-members, agronomy is a critical aspect of our business. With this promotion, we are, for the first time, bringing agronomy to the executive level at our company,” says Milan Kucerak, CEO of the Ames, IA-based cooperative. “The agriculture industry is changing rapidly impacting not only our customers, but our business. Tim’s experience in the industry and track record at Landus Cooperative make him an ideal leader for our team.”

Landus Cooperative’s agronomy business accounts for $150 million in sales, includes nearly 40 full-time agronomists, and provides custom application services across more than 1.5 million acres annually. The cooperative serves its farmer-members with AcreEdge® branded soybeans, making it the only cooperative licensed to offer branded, Bayer traits; ownership in Field Reveal software; and a full line of precision services.

Prior to joining the cooperative in 2016, Unruh enjoyed a long career in various segments of the agriculture industry including Winfield United, John Deere Financial, and Helena Chemical. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Ashford University.

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  • Operator involvement through each step in the batching process

C-LEVER EVA HE Controller

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  • All connections available (Ethernet, Profibus, CANbus, etc.) as standard equipment to easily connect/coordinate with existing systems

SORTEX H SpectraVision

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Feed Ordering Hub

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24" Scalperators

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米arketwatch: Jul, 04

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close: 15.3637

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open: 8.1033
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