Iowa State University broke ground Friday, Sept. 13, to mark the start of construction of its $21.2 million Kent Corporation Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex.
The site will be located on 10 acres of university-owned land southwest of the intersection of Highway 30 and State Avenue in Ames.
The complex will include a feed mill tower, feed milling and mixing structures, grain storage bins, warehouse and an educational building with classrooms.
肯特公司提供了2017年800万美元的命名承诺。其他领导承诺for the project were provided By the Iowa Corn Promotion Board, which committed $4 million; and Sukup Manufacturing Co., which committed $2 million of in-kind support. In May, a $2.6 million commitment was made by California Pellet Mill (CPM) of Waterloo.
爱荷华州立大学校长温迪·温特斯汀(Wendy Wintersteen)说:“饲料,谷物和牲畜部门是爱荷华州农业成功的关键。”“作为一所最高土地大学,爱荷华州立大学是支持这些重要部门的关键和尖端研究,教育和推广计划的最前沿。Kent Corporation Feed Mill和Grain Sciences Complex将提供空间,设施和技术,以增强我们执行任务的能力。”
“The Kent Corporation Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex will be a world-class, state-of-the-art facility used by faculty and staff to prepare students, train industry professionals and conduct impactful research that will make Iowa State a recognized leader in support of the feed industry,” said Daniel J. Robison, holder of the Endowed Dean’s Chair in ISU’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
The state-of-the-art facility will extend Iowa State’s mission of education, research, extension and outreach.
The new Kent Corporation Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex will enhance ISU teaching programs related to feed technology, grain science and animal nutrition.
Classes and short courses will be taught at the complex, research conducted and animal feed prepared. Students and industry trainees will use the complex to learn how to keep the food system secure and sustainable.
The mill will have a capacity of approximately 20,000 tons of feed/year to meet needs of ISU classes, tours, short courses, research diets, internships, small batches and rations for livestock and poultry.