As energy costs have risen nationwide, it’s become an increasingly large factor in the overall cost of manufacturing feed for poultry and livestock integrators, feed manufacturing companies and agriculture cooperatives.
这是饲料厂所有者在调试绿地设施或翻新项目时更频繁地将能源效率作为首要任务的原因之一。WL Port-Land系统.
Turning to building and design firms for solutions to these and other sustainability initiatives may be the first step in the right direction.
用于能源消耗的布局优化是前面和中心ADM根据动物营养北美总裁瑞安·莱恩(Ryan Lane)的说法。
“When we engage with any of our partners that help us with the pre-engineering of a facility, we look at the logistics of the plant, how everything will move around, and its impact on energy use, water use and waste management,” Lane says.
Loren Field, P.E., executive vice president ofYounglove, recommends arranging equipment and bins with the shortest distance between them and the fewest quantity of conveyors. This saves energy related to transporting raw materials and ingredients from process to process.
Field also advises his clients to use chain conveyors versus screw conveyors for material handling and gravity flow bucket elevator discharges because they both use less energy to move product.
LED lighting
Although a smaller portion of energy usage, lighting has made great strides in efficiency and use at least 75% less energy than incandescent lighting.
“所有工厂都应使用LED照明,” Field说。“ LED灯将提供照明的工作区,其成本低于传统的高压钠或金属卤化物固定装置,并提供更长的鳞茎寿命。”
Lighting is important, but WL Port-Land’s Cowles notes that the nonmotor electrical load in a feed mill is typically less than 15% of the total load, and “identifying ways to make grinding and pelleting operations more efficient will have a greater impact since these systems combined are typically more than 50% of the total load,” he says.
“VFDs provide flexibility to adapt to the fluctuating load profile of the systems allowing for much greater efficiency at partial loads,” Cowles explains.
VFDs offer benefits like smoother decelerations and accelerations in conveyor applications, reducing the backlash you may get with V-belt drives.
“For mechanical drives, consideration can be given to utilizing complete gear driven assemblies rather than using a belt drive between the motor and gear reducer,” Cowles says.
Younglove’s Field notes that belt drives can also be optimized for energy efficiency in certain applications.
“If belts must be used, a poly chain belt will provide the best efficiency,” he says. “Gearing in the drive should be helical beveled gears and synthetic oil should be used as the drive will run cooler, thus reducing wasted energy.”
The groundwork for greater access to wind and solar power is already being laid. In 2022, the U.S. Energy Information Administration expects 46.1 gigawatts of new utility-scale electric generating capacity to be added to the U.S.’s power grid.
Nearly 50% of the planned 2022 capacity additions are from solar while wind accounts for 17% of the increase.
“These sources are heavily dependent on optimal weather conditions,” Field says. “Because of that, they can’t be relied upon as a constant power source. To help resolve this problem, much research is being done on battery energy storage systems.
“Currently battery energy storage systems are not feasible for use on an industrial scale, however, should additional battery technology breakthroughs occur, the feasibility of this alternative energy source could change,” he says.
Those breakthroughs might come sooner than expected.
The EIA reports that U.S. utility-scale battery storage capacity will grow by 5.1 GW in 2022, an 84% increase over current capacity. ■
In January 2022, WATT feed brands’饲料和谷物和饲料策略杂志联合起来发射每月未来的饲料厂digital supplement. Each edition aims to provide animal feed industry stakeholders with forward-looking content, market insights and a spotlight on the leading-edge technologies shaping the global feed industry of tomorrow.