

3 Ways Grain Facilities Can Benefit from NIR Technology



Moisture is one of the most important variables to control when growing, harvesting, buying/selling, processing, preparing and shipping grains, seeds, and other small agricultural products.

决定最好的moisture measurement technology, however, it is important to avoid choosing solely on the initial purchase price of the instrument.



Today, NIR moisture meters can help grain facilities achieve substantial production labor savings and superior product quality, while optimizing raw input purchase price, end product sales price and shipping cost.




根据约翰·博加特(John Bogart)的董事总经理约翰·博加特(John Bogart)的说法凯特我们, a manufacturer of a full range of moisture and organic composition analyzers.

“The higher the moisture content, the higher the amount of light absorbed," says Bogart.


He notes that the moisture meters enable very accurate measurement of solids, pastes and liquids without contact or sample preparation, so there is no contamination in handheld and online models.


1. More Efficient Personnel and Production

如果一粒facility is still using the Karl Fischer (KF) or loss on drying (LOD) method for determining moisture, chances are that a considerable amount of personnel time is being tied up conducting these tests when they should be carrying out more profitable activities.

凯特KJT130 analyzer
凯特’s KJT130 Portable Instant Moisture Meter

The KF test involves adding chemical reagents to the sample to separate the water from the remaining product. The water removed is then compared with the initial mass or volume.

Since chemical reagents are used, skilled personnel must determine the initial parameters, confirm that the system is properly calibrated and maintained and, at times, are required to conduct the tests. These tests take time and destroy the sample. Disposal of the waste products can be very costly and time consuming as well.

The LOD test, which measures the total material weight change after drying, typically requires a sample to be prepared and brought to a lab. The test takes at least 15 minutes to several hours to perform, which is too slow when more immediate measurements are necessary. It also requires the sample to be altered or destroyed.

In contrast, NIR technology enables the user to get the accurate measurement results needed instantly and is simple enough for virtually anyone to use with minimal training. Generally, only seven to 10 samples are needed for a valid calibration, and once calibrated the moisture level in a product is determined immediately.

As an example, with Kett’s KJT130 Handheld Portable Instant Moisture Meter, the user simply points the instrument at the product and the moisture content is instantly shown on a digital display, with results accurate to .01% in a 0-100% measurement range.



Quality can be compromised if grain facilities do not have the correct amount of moisture in their product. This can result in either product loss or reduced shelf life.


Fortunately, the speed and accuracy with which grain facilities can obtain results from NIR technology will enable them to conduct more tests within a given time period. Because facilities can conduct more tests and at a higher frequency, production managers will achieve tighter control of their product quality.




全部of this equates to faster test results and feedback. The approach enables managers to ensure high quality at all levels of production.

Because the process is non-destructive, samples also remain unaltered so they can be used for additional tests or, if removed for a desktop test, may be returned into the product stream.



For instance, if purchasing raw inputs with high moisture content, negotiating a discount might be possible in some circumstances. If selling a product by weight, moisture content could be kept within acceptable limits, but modified to secure the best price.


尽管粮食设施更加熟悉traditional moisture measurement methods like KF and LOD, the availability of advanced NIR technology is presenting an opportunity to the industry.


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