Total corn inspections decreased 12% from the previous week
For the week ending November 8, total inspections of grain (corn, wheat, and soybeans) for export from all major U.S. export regions reached 2.82 million metric tons (mmt); down 3% from the previous week, 5% from last year, and 18% from the 3-year average.
TheUSDA's Grain Transportation Reportsays a total corn inspections decreased 12% from the previous week, but soybean inspections increased 5%.
Total wheat inspections, however, were unchanged from the past week.
Grain inspections in the Mississippi Gulf decreased 7% from the past week, but Pacific Northwest (PNW) grain inspections increased 7% from week to week.
Outstanding export sales (unshipped) of grain are up for wheat, but down for corn and soybeans.