Oct 23, 2017

GEAPS/K-State Digital Flour Mill Course

Quality control, quality assurance practices in flour milling

Learn to analyze flour quality and mill performance inGEAPS: 630 Quality Control, Quality Assurance Practices in Flour Millingfrom theGEAPS/K-State Distance Education Programin October.

This course focuses on the quality control and quality assurance principles of milling, including milling process quality, flour analysis, sampling and additives. Participants will learn methods to quantitatively analyze both flour quality and mill performance.

The tools and techniques introduced in this course will enable better and more efficient communication between the milling operative and the quality control/quality assurance department.

This course is one of six courses required for theCredential in Grain Processing Management. Three additional courses are also available in October.

For more information on the Distance Education Program, credentials or other courses, visit theprogram website.


Course Dates:
Oct. 30-Dec. 1

Registration Closes:

$685 members;
$895 non-members

2017 Schedule

Visit theGEAPS websiteor contactKatya Morrellfor more information: (763) 999-4300.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

GAC® 2700-UGMA

  • GIPSA-Certified as UGMA-Compatible
  • 现场证明可以与所有领先的规模系统合作

PDDM Planetary Dual Disperser

  • Robust mixer offers unmatched shear intensity, rapid dispersion of dry powders into viscous batches
  • Two stainless-steel high-viscosity “HV” stirrer blades


  • Designed to sort grain lots, kernel by kernel, at industrial speed
  • Sorts up to 15 metric tons/hour, which is equivalent to about 125 000 kernels analyzed per second

Semi-Automatic Hand-Prompt Batching Station

  • Designed to eliminate bad batches resulting from operator error and interruption
  • Operator involvement through each step in the batching process

C-LEVER EVA HE Controller

  • For bulk solids, accuracy is not impacted by different material densities, irregular material flows or extreme friction
  • All connections available (Ethernet, Profibus, CANbus, etc.) as standard equipment to easily connect/coordinate with existing systems

SORTEX H SpectraVision

  • Real-time tracking of sorting performance and emergency warnings with SORTEX Monitoring System
  • Newly designed in-house full-color cameras provide best color differentiation for subtlest of color defects


Marketwatch: Jul, 09

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open: 7.0007
high: 7.2516
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close: 7.231

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

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low: 15.0624
close: 15.4446

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

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open: 7.9137
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