美国饲料行业协会(AFIA)赞扬今天宣布的食品和药物管理局,它已有效推迟了动物食品设施的检查,以遵守食品安全现代化法案(FSMA)内的动物粮食规则的某些部分,直至下降2018. Dr. Steve Solomon, director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, told an audience of roughly 400 industry officials participating in the Association of American Feed Control Officials’ (AAFCO) annual meeting, being held in Bellevue, Washington, of the change this morning and the agency later followed up by posting this clarification on its website.
The FDA stated that the phase-in compliance inspections for the hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls portion of FSMA, previously slated to begin this September, will not begin until next fall. This also means that the animal food inspections for the Foreign Supplier Verification Program final rule will not begin until fall 2018 as well. Both extensions will be granted to large – over 500 employees – businesses only.
Richard Slayers,Afia的公共政策和教育高级副总裁,该教育是本周参加该协会的会议的代表,有人说宣布:
“制造安全,营养丰富的食物,遵守法律是动物食品行业的首要任务。However, given FSMA’s far-reaching and expensive regulatory impact that extends into all areas of our members’ business operations, we have been asking the administration and Congress to provide a reasonable time frame so that our members can conduct the necessary actions they need and dedicate new resources to come into full compliance with the law. We feel that by providing a more reasonable deadline, FDA and its field staff will be able issue guidance documents that fully address our members questions so that, no matter the size of the facility, the industry will understand their responsibilities in preparing for compliance. We appreciate the FDA recognizing the industry’s concerns of the amount of work that must be done and look forward to continuing to work together to achieve compliance.”