Nov 13, 2018

Farmers Choosing Storage Over Selling

Producers hope trade tensions with China will ease in the next few months

Caught in the middle of the U.S.-China trade war, America’s soybean farmers are taking a huge gamble, says a report atBloomberg.

Rather than selling the crop right away as they pull it out of the ground, they are instead stashing it in silos, containers, bins, bags, whatever they can get their hands on to keep it safe and dry.

希望和爱r the next few months, trade tensions will ease, and China, the top market for the oilseed, will start buying from American farmers again, lifting depressed prices in the process.

A bushel of soybeans fetched just $8.87 on Friday. Eight months ago, before trade tensions led to tariffs, it was about $2 more.

Read the full reporthere.

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Marketwatch: Jun, 23

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