Phibro Academy提供正在进行的教育,内容图书馆
资料来源:Phibro Animal Health Corp.
像现在的大部分世界一样,全球动物健康和营养行业无法在畜牧业或行业会议上亲自见面。回应这一挑战,Phibro Animal Health Corp.推出了Phibro Academy(,一个新的数字学习和内容平台,允许客户和合作伙伴继续学习和交换想法,无论他们在哪里。
As COVID-19 began to impact the ability of our teams to meet with customers and industry colleagues, and animal health and nutrition conferences and seminars were being cancelled/postponed around the globe, Phibro recognized the need to quickly develop a platform through which Phibro’s sales, marketing and technical teams could continue to bring value to customers. “As a result, Phibro Academy was born,” recalls Hector Badillo, DVM, Phibro Senior Vice President, Global Marketing. “With a presence in more than 75 countries, Phibro is uniquely positioned to curate expertise from animal health and nutrition experts around the world. Our focus is on continuing to deliver value to our customers.”
初始PhiBro Academy内容库由网络研讨会,视频和电子学习模块组成。许多人被托管过,然后发布并为已签约加入Phibro Academy的任何人提供。
虽然大多数Phibro Academy内容是英文,翻译和字幕即将推出,以及目前正在全球Phibro的团队开发的更多区域内容。
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