Aug 03, 2017

Didion Ethanol Plant Begins Operations

Family-owned corn milling business takes first step in rebuilding after tragedy

位于威斯康星州的农业加工公司Didion Ethanol LLC是Didion Milling,Inc。的子公司,很高兴地宣布,它已重新启动乙醇植物运营,现在正在威斯康星州坎布里亚郡的谷物电梯运营中接受玉米农民的玉米。5月31日在其主要的玉米铣削设施爆炸后,迪迪恩(Didion)在其工厂暂停了运营。
Thanks to Didion’s hardworking team of employees and the Cambria community’s outpouring of support, the ethanol plant is operating at near full capacity and has accepted several corn shipments from local farmers.
“It’s a multi-week process to restart and return to full production. We are excited the plant is up and running,” said Derrick Clark, VP of Operations at Didion Milling. “It’s great to have the team back together and to see steam coming from the plant again.”
With operations beginning to ramp up, almost all of Didion’s employees are back to work and are spread across various locations. Some are working for different employers through Didion’s External Projects Team. These employees still receive pay and benefits through Didion while working for another employer until Didion is able to rebuild a new mill.
“This is a huge step in moving forward, both as a company and as a community,” said Clark. “As we begin to rebuild and focus on a stronger future here in Cambria, we will continue to care for our work family, meaning our employees, those who were injured at the site and the affected families.”
Didion also is in the initial planning stages for a new, state-of-the-art corn milling plant that will be one of the safest, most efficient milling facilities in the country. Watch for more news on Didion’s rebuilding efforts.

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Marketwatch: Jul, 09

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US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

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US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

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