Apr 12, 2018

Diamond V Continues $70M Expansion

With all systems installed, the expansion is expected to double the current production capacity

As the structural steel rises at Diamond V’s South Plant 2, the company’s vision of global growth brings greatly expanded manufacturing capacity.

Construction on Diamond V’s 97,000-square-foot plant expansion resumed with the spring weather at the corporate campus and global headquarters on 60th Ave. SW in Cedar Rapids, IA. The initial investment in the expansion – announced in 2016 – is $28 million. When all phases of the expansion are complete, the total cost is expected to exceed $70 million.

Diamond诉执行副总裁Mike Goble说:“我们将继续扩展以满足行业的需求,并满足想要我们自然的非抗生物解决方案的消费者的需求。”“随着我们满足这些需求,不仅在国内而且在国际上,我们都认为增长在继续加速。

Diamond V’s Kevin Corizzo interviewed Goble as part of the company’s monthly video series "Diamond V at 75: Immune Strength for Life," which celebrates Diamond V’s 75-year history in the animal and feed industries and highlights its scientific research, technical expertise, and vision for the future. As part of the April video (below), Corizzo also spoke with Director of Operations Pat Manternach and Project Manager Ryan Gusta.

Gusta said all the structural steel for the expansion is expected to be in place by the end of June and the new plant will be enclosed by the end of September. Machinery will be brought in around February and March of 2019 with the goal of being operational starting in May 2019.

When all systems are installed, the expansion is expected to double the current production capacity at Diamond V’s south manufacturing facilities, which includes the current 126,000 square foot plant. The plant expansion is expected to create nine new jobs initially with the potential for 26 new jobs in the next five years. Diamond V also operates its north plant on G Ave. NW in Cedar Rapids.

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