Apr 12, 2018

Cargill Restarts Argentina Plants

Company reopened two of its grains crushing plants that had been suspended due to strikes

According toReuters, agricultural trading house Cargill Ltd. has restarted operations at two of its grains crushing plants in Argentina that had been suspended due to multiple strikes by workers protesting layoffs, the company said on Tuesday.

上周,美军基地d Cargill Ltd. said the Villa Gobernador Galvez plant, part of the key Rosario grains export hub, and a plant in Bahia Blanca would remain closed until at least Tuesday because the strikes, which it characterized as frequent and intermittent, left it unable to guarantee safe work conditions.

“We trust that we will not be obliged to suffer further stoppages,” the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

The protests began after the company said it would restructure some of its operations in Argentina - the world’s No. 1 exporter of soyoil and meal - and lay off a “limited group” of workers.

Read the fullreport at Reuters.

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