Partnership will help advance maritime industry toward carbon-neutral future
Cargill has joined leading players across the global maritime industry to launch the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Founding partners focus on a zero carbon shipping future
Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center为零碳运输,由A.P.Moller基金会捐赠400百万,以帮助海事行业实现零碳运输的雄心。该中心有七个创始合作伙伴:A.P.Moller-Maersk,ABS,Cargill,Man Energy Solutions,三菱重工,尼克斯和西门子。
"The center is being established at a critical time for the maritime industry,” said Jan Dieleman, business leader for Cargill’s ocean transportation business. “Up until now there has been extensive discussion about decarbonizing shipping and zero carbon fuels, but no real capacity to execute the necessary research, analysis and development to move forward. The generous funding offered by the A.P. Moller Foundation, combined with access to knowledge, technical expertise and networks across the entire shipping value chain that Cargill and the other founding partners will contribute, will provide that capacity to drive execution and accelerate progress.”
A.P.Moller基金会董事会主席Ane Uggla表示,“捐赠,A.P.Moller基金会愿望支持解决全球航运中气候问题的努力。Maersk McKinney-Moller是全球航运业的有远见的领导者,超过七十年。“
Soren Skou, future board member of the center and CEO of A.P. Moller – Maersk, said, “The founding partners and the A.P. Moller Foundation share a long-term ambition to decarbonize the shipping industry. The establishment of the center is a quantum leap towards realizing that ambition. This joint initiative will fast-track the maturation of solutions and strengthen the basis for decision making among industry players and regulators and hence accelerate investments and implementation of new technologies.”
At the center, Cargill will look to increase the viability and scalability of biofuels for the maritime industry, as biofuels form an essential part of the energy mix as the world transitions to low and carbon-neutral fuels. This includes exploring new technologies to expand the feedstocks that can be used to produce second generation biofuels, such as cellulosic waste from forestry and agriculture. This work presents Cargill and its customers with a viable path to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
The center will be a non-profit commercial foundation with a charitable purpose. As an independent research center, it is designed to foster collaboration across the entire shipping sector with industry, academia and authorities participating. A highly specialized cross-disciplinary team will collaborate globally to create overviews of decarbonization pathways, accelerate the development of selected decarbonizing fuels and powering technologies, as well as support the establishment of regulatory, financial and commercial means to enable and drive the transformation.
Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center零碳运输只是许多战略合作伙伴关系的一个例子,嘉吉已经推动了额外的温室气体减排,通过合作加速进步,并以行业发展的最前沿探索新技术。嘉吉还在行业级脱碳举措中发挥着主导作用,特别是与全球海上论坛有关。
The maritime industry accounts for around three percent of global carbon emissions and has made a strong commitment to reduce these to zero after 2050. Short-term measures will support increased energy efficiency, allowing for a 40 percent relative reduction in 2030 across the industry.