
Cargill and FFA Partner


Cargill and the National FFA Organization share the belief that agriculture can solve some of the world’s toughest sustainability challenges.

Cargill is investing $2.1 million over three years to help the FFA organization develop future leaders who are prepared to continue advancing sustainable agriculture. The funds will enable the FFA Organization’s efforts to bridge the needs of the agriculture, food and natural resources industries.

“我们需要最好,最聪明的年轻人,以帮助创建解决方案,以平衡不断增长的人口与保护我们的星球。” Cargill的业务运营和供应链负责人兼首席可持续发展官Ruth Kimmelshue说,国家FFA组织前成员董事会。“通过农业,年轻人有机会开发和使用新技术并实施解决方案来再生土壤,建立农业社区的经济成功,创新的供应链,解决我们行业面临的全球问题,例如气候变化,森林砍伐和节水,还有更多。”

The National FFA Organization’s sustainability leader development program will receive $300,000 of the investment, supporting the organization’s efforts to re-evaluate programs and events to include educational resources, experiential learning and leadership development opportunities for future sustainability-driven influencers. The multi-year commitment also elevates support of:

  • 国家官员领导连续性 - 通过为375名州官员开发领导技能和个人成长来影响FFA成员
  • 为服务平台服务 - 支持57,000小时的服务,以通过分会服务项目在全国各地的当地社区中产生影响
  • 农业知识博览会(Agriscience Fair)为对科学和研究的兴趣而开发的学生,有415多个项目批准了国家一级的竞争。有89%的学生报告参加博览会后对科学在农业中的作用有了更好的了解
  • Recruitment and retention of quality agriculture educators

近60年来,嘉吉与the FFA Organization to create innovative ways to inspire youth in agriculture, investing more than $16 million to foster innovative career education and support career development events, leadership development conferences, agriscience fairs and areas of service. Cargill and FFA have brought together corporate leaders, academics, FFA state officers and students around a shared vision for the future of agriculture.

“ Cargill为支持FFA所做的工作而感到自豪,为所有人培养所有人,通过赋予年轻人成为农业,食品和营养的领导者,”北方蛋白质成分和国际渠道总裁John Niemann -North -North蛋白质 -美国和国家FFA赞助商委员会现任主席。“共同努力,我们可以确保美国农业继续建立充满活力的社区,支持繁荣的家庭和奖励职业,并生产我们养活不断增长的人口所需的食物。”

国家FFA基金会主席莫莉·鲍尔(Molly Ball)表示:“国家FFA通过共同价值观的赞助和合作伙伴关系的长期支持价值。”“将近60年的关系帮助培养了农业人才方案,并继续培养未来的领导者,从而对行业和世界产生积极影响。”



Semi-Automatic Hand-Prompt Batching Station

  • 旨在消除因操作员错误和中断而导致的不良批次
  • 操作员参与批处理过程

C-Lever Eva He Controller

  • 对于散装固体,准确性不会受到不同材料密度,不规则材料流或极端摩擦的影响
  • 所有可用的连接(以太网,Profibus,Canbus等)作为标准设备,可轻松与现有系统连接/协调

Sortex H Spectravision

  • 通过Sortex监视系统对分类性能和紧急警告的实时跟踪
  • 新设计的内部全彩相机为微妙的颜色缺陷提供了最佳的颜色差异化

Feed Ordering Hub

  • Cloud-based hub designed to increase feed ordering and scheduling automation
  • 全部ows feed mills to make data-driven decisions and allocate resources better

24" Scalperators

  • 提供高容量的方法来消除单个通行证中的粗糙,轻罚和谷壳
  • 一通过

Aqua MicroFeed System

  • 使用户能够以增加容量增加40%的微囊
  • Optimized die can withstand higher pressure caused by smaller holes due to stronger construction, larger diameter and bigger open surface, and smart die base to create equal distribution of feed toward larger die



US Corn Price IdxZCPAUS.CM

high: 7.4825
low: 7.1372
close: 7.1434


open: 15.9907
low: 15.8114

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price IdxKEPAUS.CM

low: 8.9965
close: 9.0161

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price IdxZWPAUS.CM

high: 8.6497