Sep 29, 2021

BoMill's Grain Detection System Receives Patent

Detector is designed for grain sorting applications requiring enhanced accuracy combined with high volume throughput

来源:BoMill AB

As a response to an increasing demand for precision grain sorting at high speed, BoMill AB is developing a new ground-breaking grain detection system.

This system has the potential to revolutionize the grain sorting industry globally, making it smarter and more sustainable.

The multichannel spectrometer has now been granted patent rights in China and an intention to grant in Japan and has previously been registered in Sweden and the U.S.

BoMill’s equipment offers a unique sorting technology, based on an individual assessment of the kernels’ inner properties.

The new detector now granted patent rights in China, is a multichannel spectrometer that will take grain sorting to a new level.

With its increased accuracy, high sorting precision and high speed, this detector is designed for grain sorting applications requiring enhanced accuracy combined with high volume throughput.

The patent has previously been registered in Sweden and the U.S.

"We have just begun to explore what this extraordinary detector can do in our system, and we are convinced it will set new standards of specifications for the grain sorting industry," says Andreas Jeppsson, CEO of BoMill.

"This detector boosts our plan to introduce a smart, and truly sustainable, solution to the industry. Simply, we make it possible to make use of every single kernel, saving our natural resources and creating a more sustainable future."

Refining detection and increasing capacity have been two important goals for BoMill’s development. With its new high-capacity equipment set for launch in 2022, and now the expansion of its patents for the detector system, BoMill has proven that it can push the boundaries of the grain industry’s standards – creating a smarter and more sustainable grain sorting process.

BoMill结构化的专利战略,continuously filing patent applications in markets around the globe in order to develop a strong market position and competitive advantage.

Currently, BoMill has about 40 registered patents strategically spread out across the world as well as 20 pending patents.

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