本·艾伦(Ben Allen)以前曾在靛蓝AG(Indigo AG)加入公司担任新首席执行官
TheBinSentryboard of directors announces本·艾伦作为新的首席执行官(首席执行官)。
艾伦(Allen)将带来数十年的农业和技术经验,以及扩展初创企业的悠久记录,与《财富》 100强公司的关键合作伙伴关系进行谈判,并领导北美的创新和多样化的人才团队。
全部en joins BinSentry after his successful run as head of Global Market Development at靛蓝AG, an agtech start-up he helped grow from $300 million in 2017 to $3 billion in 2021.
Prior to this multi-billion achievement, Allen played a crucial role in growingAgri-Trend’s AgriDatasoftware in preparation for a transaction that resulted in Agri-Trend being acquired bytrimble2015年。
全部en’s expertise in innovative software technologies and in achieving groundbreaking investments have shaped the future of these agtech companies and will undoubtedly play an instrumental role in BinSentry’s journey.
“I share BinSentry’s belief that leading-edge technology has the potential to propel a smarter agriculture, improving the lives of those who work hard to feed the world and, as a result, the health of those who live on this planet by enabling a more sustainable way to produce feed and livestock,” said Allen.
“Bringing real visibility into the feed supply chain is one big step towards this mission, and I’m thrilled to join BinSentry in a momentum where AI and data usability will be a game-changer for agriculture.”
全部en’s career is also marked by extensive expertise in hardware tech companies. In 2010, after earning his MBA, Allen joined Silicon Valley semiconductor global corporation, AMD, where he supported multiple multibillion-dollar global deals and became part of the transformation team responsible for restructuring and re-aligning costs.
全部en takes on the new role of succeeding co-founder Randall Schwartzentruber, who will transition to a new function as chief product officer (CPO) and will focus his passion on driving innovation while continuing to lead key efforts at BinSentry.
“经过六年令人难以置信的航行,这艘船 -我们有史以来最大,最雄心勃勃的产品— it’s the right time for a change.
"I’ve always believed that the most essential ingredient to building a successful business is to assemble the most talented team possible," says Schwartzentruber.
"Ben’s addition enables me to continue to facilitate BinSentry’s growth by dedicating the utmost focus to building the most creative and innovative products for a community that is very dear to my heart; agriculture.”
Binsentry董事长Dennis Organ, who joined the North American agtech company in December after a 25-year career in the food industry and most recently as the CEO ofSmithfield Foods, Inc.says Schwartzentruber’s entrepreneurial tenacity has led BinSentry from the origination of the hardware solution to the evolution of the company as a solution that provides real-time visibility and process simplification to the animal agricultural industry.
"We are thrilled that he will continue to be part of this team,” said Organ. “Ben is the right leader for BinSentry. Ben’s extensive agtech background, strong leadership skills, and start-up experience will help BinSentry during this time of exponential growth.
“These are exciting times not only for BinSentry but for the entire agricultural industry. Ben’s expertise in bringing cutting-edge technologies to some of agriculture’s most urgent and complex challenges uniquely position him to lead BinSentry. He is a thoughtful and passionate leader, who I am certain will help BinSentry succeed on our mission to build the mill of the future.”