With so many options, what is the best choice for any given application?
Explosive atmospheres usually occur in process engineering equipment such as filters, silos, elevators, mixers and mills.
In the event of internal or external ignition sources,爆炸可以在设备内部开发并在整个连接组件中传播。
The explosion protective measures include conventional explosion venting using explosion vents, flameless venting, explosion isolation, and chemical suppression. With so many options, what is the best choice for a given application? Here are a few examples of how and when to apply these protection devices.
示例1:过滤器/Dust Collectors
In the event of an explosion, the vent opens at a designed set pressure. This releases the explosion outward and reduces the pressure build-up inside the vessel.
As no two processes are identical, there are various types of explosion vents that differ in terms of shape, material, temperature rating, and pressure/vacuum resistance. Even hygienically demanding processes can be protected nowadays with certified hygienic explosion vents.
If there are walkways, driveways, equipment, or buildings in the direction of the explosion blast, an add-on module such as the REMBEtargo通风can be used.
REMBE, the inventor of flameless venting, offers three different products:q-rohr,Q-Box和Q球.
In addition to the special stainless-steel mesh filter, the Q-Rohr, Q-Box and Q-Ball consist of an explosion vent with an integrated burst indicator.
With that being said, it’s important to protect yourself from “overengineering." The protection measure that makes sense for your plant depends on the volume of the spray dryer to be protected, its respective installation site, and strength.
The REMBE EGV-HYP and ERO explosion vents can be used in these hygienically demanding processes. The EGV-HYP panel features a full surface, tapered sealing system that fits flush with the interior of the explosion vent and prevents cross contamination.
与前面提到的设备一样,如果爆炸可以释放到安全区域,室外电梯和输送机通常会受到爆炸通风孔的保护。或者,REMBEQ-Box or Q-Ball flameless vents can be used indoors or in outdoor areas near personnel and other equipment. A combination of conventional and flameless venting can be the right safety concept depending on the conditions at the installation site.
Example 4:筒仓
室外孤岛通常用爆炸通风口排气 - 可以根据填充过程的类型使用不同的类型。REMBE®可以在半圆形和梯形形状中创建我们的EGV面板的修改版本。这些可以适合由于箱通风口和其他管道工作而可能有限的房地产的孤岛。如果筒仓在室内,则可以与排气管或REMBE一起使用爆炸通风口®可以利用Q-Box/Q-RoHR无火的通风孔。
Explosion protection measures can only be safe and economical if the entire system is analyzed and individual protective measures are coordinated. This requires a systematic approach as well as observance of system-specific boundary conditions and knowledge of methods for assessing safety-related parameters.
关于Rembe Inc.
For over 45 years, REMBE has been and continues to be a leader in the innovation and manufacture of high-quality process safety systems, explosion protection systems and dynamic weighing systems.