Aug 06, 2018

Bayer Introduces Rodent Monitoring System

Cloud software sends real-time notifications whenever a rodent is caught

Bayer has launched a new business service platform dedicated to leveraging smart devices, IoT and artificial intelligence to develop and launch value-added services and solutions.

The first offering from this new platform is the Bayer Rodent Monitoring System (RMS), a wireless network of high-tech sensors added to traps strategically placed around your facility.

高科技传感器each trap monitor and broadcast their status through radio signals. These radio signals are then transferred to the cloud via cellular communication. The cloud software sends real-time notifications to users (email, text message) whenever a rodent is caught.

The Bayer RMS portal displays the network of monitors and the current status of each individual monitor. This enables the operator to focus on the area of the infestation and eliminates the need to spend hours manually checking every trap.

The system automatically sends real-time capture alerts and regular system status reports:

  • Daily heartbeat messages
  • 运动检测
  • Battery levels

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