Has acquired a stake MGM Seed & Grain
Continuing a 118-year tradition of pursuing the development of specialty supply chains and healthy ingredients,Bay State Milling Companyhas acquired a stake in MGM Seed & Grain of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
MGM Seed & Grain is building a state-of-the-art oat processing facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The plant is located in the heart of oat production in the Canadian prairies and will be a dedicated gluten-free facility. The partnership with MGM provides Bay State Milling customers with a secure supply chain of gluten-free oat products including rolled, quick and steel cut oats as well as oat flour. All will be available in both conventional and organic forms.
The leadership behind MGM Seed & Grain has a long history in the pulse and grain markets in the Canadian prairies. This operational experience has provided MGM with a strong producer network across gluten-free crop rotations.
MGM Seed&Grain总裁Ron Blazeiko说:“ Bay State Milling一直是一个很棒的合作伙伴,我们对利用其铣削,营销和分销能力的潜力感到兴奋。”
“We are excited about the opportunity to work with MGM Seed & Grain to develop a secure supply chain of gluten free oats. This venture underscores Bay State’s commitment to provide healthy and flavorful ingredients to support the growth of emerging grain-based food categories,” comments Walker Humphries, Vice President Strategic Planning.
About Bay State Milling Company
Bay State Milling Company has proudly provided exceptional flour and plant-based ingredients since 1899. The Core Purpose of the Company is to provide food ingredients to promote the growth of healthful and affordable food choices for the consumer. Bay State Milling is committed to be a leading supplier of sustainable plant-based solutions for grain-based foods through investments in employees, unique supply chains, and specialized ingredient processing technology. Additionally, Bay State Milling is focused on seed varietal development through its wholly-owned subsidiary, 5th Generation Seed, LLC. For more information on the Company, visit www.baystatemilling.com or call 1-800-553-5687.
For editorial inquiries or interviews, please contact Donna Reiser at:1.800.55.flour